Alex the Destroyer | Links | Skydiving | Musings | About | Random Photos | Parrot Love | Kiwi the Terrible | Dante the Diminutive  

Fear him.
Alex, named after the main character in Anthony Burgess' A Clockwork Orange, may look like a cockatiel weighing no more than a large box of paper clips. But do not be so foolish as to judge him by his size, for he wields GREAT POWERS OF WANTON DESTRUCTION.
Site updates
Here are some recent changes made under Alex's fearsome reign:

1/01/01   Created site on silly whim.

Return often for more info and photos of Alex. HE COMMANDS IT.

11/03/01 Alex flew away while I was trying to tote him to the vet shortly after I created the site. I was heartbroken. I like to think someone cool found him. Some rich person with an aviary. But I have a new bird now, a little baby named Dante, so-named because he is demonic, as if he were from hell.

11/07/01 I added a photo of my rig on the skydiving page. Also there's a cool bulletin board. Check it out, yo.

12/1/01 Okay, indulge my geeky Beatles-fandom and look at the "Bye, George" page. There's also a new-old photo on the skydiving page. And for God's sake, post on the bulletin board.

No photos of Dante and Kiwi yet. I am lazy. Quit calling and e-mailing me with complaints. I don't care about the consumer.

12/24/01 It's Christmas Eve!! To celebrate, here are some naked photos.

2/14/02 I really need a digital camera.

5/18/02 Hey, what's up?

He speaks!
"I want you dead, full of tiny punctures from my needle-like beak," says Alex.
Sometimes he also says "RAWK!!"


E-mail me, and Alex won't eat you.

A noble visage
Seen in handsome profile, it's easy to see why Alex is both feared and revered by so many. He effortlessly commands respect in his yellow, feathered way.
Check out the "chirp" room!