Parrot Love
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Man-bird affection is beautiful and natural.
So you fundies go away! I don't need to hear your "God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and POLLY" doctrine any more!!!

Parrots are great pets, but a LOT of work. Just like with any animal companion, you have to realize you're making a commitment to this creature for the rest of its life -- and in a parrot's case, that's anywhere from 10 to 100 years. No joke.

Here are some good references:

A great source for all things bird.
Sally Blanchard, editor, is the closest thing to a bird behaviorist I've ever stumbled across. Great stuff on diet and dominance training.
Chats and bulletin boards.
Up at Six is a good bird community. Can't figure out what all that sneezing's about? Ask here.
Articles galore.
Also check out the host site, Birdsnways.